Linkedin with google
Linkedin with google

Account > Organization > Property > Views.Organization > Property > Account > Views.Organization > Account > Property > Views.Account > Property > Organization > Views.What is the hierarchy of a Google Analytics account? If you wanted to evaluate how your site performs relative to other sites in your industry vertical, what reports do you use? What allows you to specify the steps your traffic is expected to take to reach your goal? What must be configured in order for Google Analytics to capture data? To email a notification whenever a goal is completed, what do you configure? If you posted a link offering 50% off a hat, but the link sent people to a page of sweaters, what impact would you most likely see? You want to track and other using a single property. Which Chrome extension, developed by Google, would be valuable for identifying deployment issues with Google Analytics? You want to verify that Google Analytics is working immediately after installation. Which report would help you measure the value of your social media efforts? to change the way the data table is displayed.What are the icons highlighted below used for? Another user downloads the same white paper three times in a single session. A user downloads a white paper with event tracking once in a single session. An event is a user interaction an event goal is triggered by a selected event.An event goal must be created in order to track events.An event is captured per user an event goal is captured per session.Nothing, an event is another name for event goal.What is the relationship between an event and an event goal? If you want to evaluate if direct traffic delivered more traffic than organic search in August 2019, which report do you look at? In the following URL, what channel grouping is traffic assigned to?Į/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=315

Linkedin with google